Invitation Tips



Number of guests. The number of party guests should match the child’s age. Very small children, toddlers aged 1-3 years, it’ s recommended rto invite a small number of other toddlers, parents and close family. Children this age have no expectations of any birthday party. Maximum number of guests and “strangers” may confuse the child and make him discomfort.

Birthday parties for preschoolers can accommodate a higher number, but still it is recommende that the  number of guests should not be too high (around 10 children). For school aged children the numbers vary. There are various factors that determine the number of guests (party type, celebrating a child’s wishes, budget, place, etc.), so the answer is unequivocal.

Guest list. It is recommended to prepare a guest list in advance.

Invitation – bought  or homemade. While bought invitations are easier to obtain and deliver, they lack the personal touch when they are homemade. Moreover, in preparing homemade invitation you can share the task with other family members.

Date of delivery/distribution . The invitations should be sent/distributed about  two weeks before the party.

The birthday invitation should include the followings:

  • Full name of the child celebrant.
  •  The day, date and time
  • Special requests (clothing/accessories, etc.)
  • Option: leave a phone number and ask for confirmation of participation.
  •   Map. If the party is held in an unknown location (or the arrival complicated) – attach a map.


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