Birthday – Fun & Learning



Birthday party is a day of love and fun  to be remembered. Bitrhdays are also a golden opportunity to learn some
important facts of life … For example:

  • Consider the feelings of others when preparing the guest list, distributing invitations and opening the presents.
  • Proper behavior could make guests feel comfortable and relaxed: welcome the guests on arrival, introduce guests who do not know each other and thank guests at the end of the party.
  • Be patient with everyone – even those who are reluctant to take part in various activities …
  • Be flexible. Teach your child that surprises and gifts are not always the one he expected …
  • Learn simple things in life, such as play with friends and having fun does not have to be expensive or unique …
  • Feel appreciated and loved. Working together on the project ” birthday ” is another way to strengthen parent-child relationship and to leave a sweet memory for the future.

Wishing you good luck and a successful birthday party!


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